Monday, February 25, 2008

Bones-In Search Of The Ancestors

Glorious weather, windy and mild, that was today. I took the day off. Cousin J. called in sick. That's code for cabin fever. Whatever, we were in hot pursuit of our favorite hobby, cemetery hopping. Some people don't like cemeteries. That is quite understandable. After all, we will one day,like everyone else, die to get in. I already have a plot, as does she. But for now, we were on the hunt, for those who had gone before. Those who still exist in bits and pieces, inside J.,inside me, inside all our many and varied kin.

Our first stop was Fairview Cemetery. There are probably a thousand Fairviews, scattered around the country. This one is tucked among the hills, surrounded by trees and wildflowers. Time could have stood still here. There is only the gentle sounds of the wind,the birds, and small animals scurrying away from intruding humans.

One set of my GGGG Grandparents are here. He was born in Virginia, she in Ireland. Their Sons, (including my GGG Grandfather) Their Grandsons, (my GG Granfather is one of many) and the generations that came later lie asleep, lulled by the songs of the wind.

My Great Grandmother, who died when I was thirteen, is here. Close by are her parents, and all five of her brothers. Her two sisters are not here. One lies in another cemetery twenty miles away. She is interred above ground. According to my Mom's cousin, she didn't want dirt in her face. Only the youngest sister, lies far away in Arkansas.

My Great Grandmother's Family has an interesting history. We have traced one of her lines back to 1648. That is the death date of a distant grandfather, who was born in Ireland, but died in England. His son, born in 1606, came to Virginia in 1620, aboard a ship called 'The Temperance.' He lived to be a very old man, dying around 1700. He has numerous descendants, scattered to the four winds. I wonder what he would think of them? Of us?

I always feel a chill deep in my bones, when I come here, or to any cemetery, where our past is chiseled in stone. "Bones" J. whispers, "It's all about bones." I agreed.

We have tarried to long. Other cemeteries must wait for another day.